Below are the ministries of Trinity Baptist Church. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when joining one of our ministry programs. We believe that engaging in fellowship and serving God are essential to growing to be more like Jesus. We sincerely hope you will find a ministry in which you can serve and grow. We have spiritual gift surveys to help you find what area(s) God has graciously gifted you to serve in the Body of Christ.

Be sure and ask Pastor Massey or Brother Russell about it.

Adult Ministries

Adult "Growth Groups"

Join us every Wednesday at 7:00 pm and join one of three "Growth Groups" where we will study a topic or discuss a recent sermon to learn how to practically apply the Bible in our every-day lives. Also, each  Sunday morning at 9:30 am, Bro. Mike Adams leads a small group where similar topics and discussion will happen to help you grow in your faith!

Music Ministry

Music prepares a heart to hear from God. We believe at Trinity Baptist Church that music should point people to Christ. You will enjoy our Worship Team on Sunday mornings as they minister to you through wonderful singing and music. Throughout the year we also perform musicals with a message.

Soul Winning & Disclipleship

Mark 16:15 says, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." While it is clear that "all the world" means countries around the world, it should be equally clear that it means your town, your neighborhood. We take that command seriously.

Saturday mornings at 10:00 am, a group of dedicated soul winners meets and goes out to our Jerusalem to knock on doors and bring people the Good News of a loving Savior. We would love to add you to this group.

But we don't stop there. New Christians need a loving hand to guide them in discipleship. We call this Continue. If you are  new Christian and you would like, a seasoned Christian will meet with you to help you in your new walk. See Bro. Brian Wilber to sign up for either of these ministries.

Forge Youth

Led by Jamie and Theresa Wagoner, our teen ministry is centered around purpose and belonging. Teens thrive on identity and purpose. Our goal is to introduce teens to God's purpose for their lives, and to help them find their identity in Christ.


Only through Christian fellowship around the clear teaching of God's Word can this important goal be accomplished. We're teaching that Jesus is still the answer!


Our youth group, consisting of grades 7-12, meet every Wednesday at 7pm for food, interaction, fun, and Bible teaching. Additionally, various fun activities are held periodically. 

Children's Programs

Our newest addition to the Children's Ministry is AWANA! Every Wednesday at 6:45pm, your children will enjoy an exciting, Bible filled program where they will learn scripture and have fun!


We have Children's Church every Sunday at 10:30am during the adult worship service for k4-5th grade. If you are looking for something spiritual for your children, this is a place that you can truly call home.



Children's Nursery

A safe, clean, comfortable environment for infants and toddlers ages 3 and under. Our nursery is staffed with trained ladies who have been vetted and cleared to work with children. 



If you are looking for a way to serve, no need to look further. We have plenty of areas that everyone can serve. If you have any questions about any of these fields please let us know.

All the different ways you can serve are divided into serve teams. Feel free to reach out to Pastor Massey if you are interested in being a part of a serve team.

  • Outdoor Maintenance
  • Hospitality Ministry
  • Nursery Attendant (Ladies Only)
  • Event Planning
  • Sound and Technology Assistant